Do the Tibbles have parents?

Do the Tibbles have parents? Trixie Tibble is the mother of Timmy and Tommy Tibble.

Trixie Tibble is the mother of Timmy and Tommy Tibble.

Who are Timmy and Tommy’s parents?

Timmy & Tommy Nook
Name: Timothy “Timmy” Nook (まめきち, Mamekichi) Thomas “Tommy” Nook (つぶきち, Tsubukichi)
Occupation: Store clerks, apprentices to Tom Nook
Relationships: Tom Nook (uncle/mentor/adoptive father)
Fandom: Animal Crossing

What is Tom Nook’s relation to Timmy and Tommy?

Timmy and Tommy are Tom Nook’s apprentices in the Animal Crossing series. Tom Nook is thought to have found them on the streets and raised them, hence the same surname. They run Nook’s store, starting with the Nookling Junction.

Can Animal Crossing characters be mean?

In the end, although villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are definitely nicer than their previous counterparts, there are still those that can be mean when provoked. Of course, the insults hurled by villagers in New Horizons are nothing compared to those by villagers from the GameCube version of Animal Crossing.

Do the Tibbles have parents? – Related Questions

Do Timmy and Tommy have different prices?

You sell turnips at Nook’s Cranny to Timmy and Tommy, like anything else. The trick is that they change prices twice a day: once in the morning, and once at 12:00 PM. These prices will fluctuate wildly, from as low as 15 bells to as high as 650.