Do you have to call riichi?

Do you have to call riichi?

Unlike other yaku, the call for riichi operates at a player’s discretion and is certainly not mandatory. Jul 14, 2020

Can you riichi after Kan?

Unlike the other two kan types, ankan 「暗槓」 keeps the hand closed, unless the hand has been opened previously. Thus, even with an ankan call, the player may still have the option of declaring riichi even with such a kan call, calling kan during riichi barring restrictions, and/or winning the hand via mentsumo. Dec 25, 2019

What does furiten mean in mahjong?

“Furiten” is a state where you are unable to win a hand by ron. However, while in furiten, you can still win by tsumo. Your hand can be furiten due to a few different reasons. The main one is if you previously discarded one of your winning tiles. This puts your hand in permanent furiten.

Can you use a joker in a pair for mahjong?

No. Jokers can not be used in a pair. They can only be used in a group of three or more like tiles.

What does Concealed mean in mahjong?

From Mahjong Wiki, the mahjong encyclopedia Concealed tiles (hidden or standing tiles) are tiles that are in your hand. If you have a concealed chow or pung you have no obligation to announce it or reveal it. Heck, you have no obligation to even use it for your winning hand. Mar 16, 2008

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Are there any free mahjong apps?

Mahjong Myth (Android and iOS) It’s all free, with nary a digital coin in sight. As well as looking beautiful, it plays very smoothly. Feb 8, 2018

Is there a free mahjong app?

Mahjong TitanMahjong Titan is a free app for Android and iOS devices. You can enjoy playing in the coffee break or in your free time.