Do you wear an eye patch after glaucoma surgery?

Do you wear an eye patch after glaucoma surgery? When considering how to sleep after glaucoma surgery, you should remember that you should wear your eye shield at night for a minimum of 2 weeks, or as long as you are advised to by your surgeon.

When considering how to sleep after glaucoma surgery, you should remember that you should wear your eye shield at night for a minimum of 2 weeks, or as long as you are advised to by your surgeon.

How serious is glaucoma surgery?

Traditional glaucoma surgery involves creating a flap valve under the upper eye-lid fashioned from the tissues of the eye. It often requires a general anaesthetic and prolonged follow-up at the hospital to ensure that the surgery does not scar. Overall it is an effective operation but does carry some risk.

How soon can you drive after glaucoma?

During your follow-up visits, your eye doctor will advise you when you can get behind the wheel again, but in general, most patients can resume driving approximately two weeks after surgery.

Can surgery stop glaucoma?

Surgery can’t cure glaucoma or undo vision loss, but it can help protect your vision and stop it from getting worse. There are a few different types of surgery for glaucoma that can help lower the pressure in your eye: Trabeculectomy (tra-BECK-yoo-LECK-toh-mee) Glaucoma implant surgery.

Do you wear an eye patch after glaucoma surgery? – Related Questions

How long is glaucoma surgery?

The Process of Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma surgery involves making a very small incision to drain fluid and release pressure on the eye. The surgeon may insert shunts or implants into the eye to replace the eye’s drainage system. Typically, the surgery takes 45 minutes to an hour.