Does Eren have a child?

Does Eren have a child? Historia got pregnant right before Eren left for his mission. 10 months later, she gave birth in the middle of Eren’s rumbling.

Historia got pregnant right before Eren left for his mission. 10 months later, she gave birth in the middle of Eren’s rumbling.

Why does YMIR love Historia?

As for Ymir, her love for Historia brought her own selflessness back hard. In the end, she sacrifices herself to protect the people she inflicted tragedy upon. She wanted to recompense them like her tormentors never did for her and return the power she stole from them.

Who is Historia’s husband?

With the Farmer being confirmed as the father, the two eventually got married; however some fans believe that Historia got married out of duty, and for the child’s sake.

Who is Historias lover AOT?

At the Animagic 2014 series panel, producer George Wada confirmed that Ymir and Historia are “indeed a couple”, which confirms that Historia in fact has romantic feelings for Ymir. When she was still acting as Krista, Eren secretely disliked her and she envied him for having clear goals.

Does Eren have a child? – Related Questions

Is YMIR a Titan?

Ymir is one of the many Titan inheritors whose Titan is created by Ymir Fritz to defend Eren Yeager while he is attempting to Rumble the world. In the middle of the fighting Ymir and a handful of other inheritors are reawakened in the Path world by Zeke Yeager.