Does Goku cuss?

Goku never really swears outside of a fight (from what I can remember), so I don’t think he’s really wrong for using them outside of those circumstances. I wondered the same thing when he apparently let Vegeta go, not out of mercy, but because he wanted to fight him again, knowing full well that it was selfish. Jun 18, 2011

How old is Chichi?

Chi Chi at the beginning of Dragon Ball Z was 23 Years old and at the end of Dragon Ball Super, she was 47 years old.

How old is Roshi?

It’s stated in Dragon Ball that Master Roshi is around 300 years old, which means that by the end of Dragon Ball Super, Roshi should be between 340 and 350. A Dragon Ball character who has lived that long isn’t unusual — if they’re a divine being like Beerus — but Roshi is only human. Nov 17, 2019

Can Saiyans breathe in space?

No Saiyans can’t breathe in space normally,but,with the use of extreme Ki control you can survive in the vacuum of space for some time. Jun 23, 2010

Who is the first Super Saiyan?

Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama has confirmed that the character who actually reached this level first was Yamoshi [via Kazenshuu]. According to Toriyama, Yamoshi was a heroic warrior who fought beside five other Saiyans against his people. Jun 17, 2021

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Is Roshi alive?

Despite being immortal Roshi dies when attempting to utilize the Evil Containment Wave against King Piccolo (who was freed during the King Piccolo Saga), which shows that his immortality only prevents him from dying from old age and thus is not completely immortal.

Can Roshi fly?

Despite being skilled at both martial arts and ki manipulation, Master Roshi is unable to fly in the source material. Funnily enough, even certain characters that are believed to be weaker than Master Roshi — such as Videl, Krillin, and Tien as possible examples — are able to fly whereas Master Roshi is unable to. Aug 22, 2020