Does Kizi com still work?
Does Kizi com still work? is UP and reachable by us. Please check and report on local outages below
Is Kizi a secure website?
Kizi’s web sites and applications serve over 30 million young and adult players worldwide. With its intuitive design and focus on a variety of games, Kizi has something for everyone. Parents will find Kizi a safe and suitable place for both them and their children to play.
Who owns Kizi?
Funtomic owns and operates Kizi®, one of the most popular game websites worldwide, serving 20 million users each month. Funtomic offers game publishing and distribution services on both web and mobile platforms. For more information, visit
Who made Kizi games?
Flazm Interactive Entertainment was founded in 2010 in Magnitogorsk, Russia, by Alexey Davydov, Sergey Dvoynikov, and Timofey Shargorodskiy. The main focus of the studio was developing web games. Flazm has created over 30 web games for Kizi and Kongregate which have been played over a billion times.