Does Stardew Valley have kids?

Does Stardew Valley have kids?

In order to have kids you first need to have a wife or a husband. They also need to be happy, meaning they have at least 12 hearts. To build a nursery you need to visit Robin’s Shop and to get the second upgrade (that adds the nursery), you will need 50,000 gold and 150 hardwood.

Who is the easiest person to marry in Stardew Valley?

Leah is Stardew Valley’s Easiest Romanceable Character While Leah appreciates the errant diamond or two, she also loves receiving much simpler gifts that are easily and cheaply acquired in Stardew Valley. While some characters scoff at gifted foraged items, Leah enjoys them. Jun 30, 2021

Can your spouse divorce you in Stardew Valley?

Never fear — you can divorce them. They might not like you afterward, though… In addition to building a strong community and tending to your farm, Stardew Valley also allows you to get married. Similar to marriage in real life, you will have the option to get divorced. Jul 7, 2021

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What do the GREY hearts mean Stardew Valley?

Gray hearts in Stardew Valley means that players are walled off from advancing their friendship with a character further. This is seen with bachelors and bachelorettes that the player isn’t currently romantically involved with. Players can remedy this by giving the characters a bouquet to start a romantic relationship. Oct 16, 2021

Does Clint get mad if you marry Emily?

Out of the current cast of marriage candidates, none of them really have feelings for anyone other than the player character, eventually. Nobody really has feelings for them either, other than, again, the player character. Sep 12, 2016

Can you cheat on your spouse in Stardew Valley?

As off build 1.06 you CAN give all « dateable’s » the bouquet and get them to 10 hearts for all cut scenes, as there is NO cheating mechanic that I have found. Doing this will make your spouse jealous though and you will have a chance to lose 30 friendship points for each gift you give the « dateables ».

What is the point of the spa in Stardew Valley?

The most useful function of the Spa to the player is the energy-recovering ability of the water inside. By heading into a change room and through the changing stall, the player avatar will change into a swimsuit that matches the color of their pants. Jan 9, 2022

What happens when you put a diamond in Grandpa’s shrine?

The player can be re-evaluated at any time, if they place a diamond in the Shrine. This will cause Grandpa to show up again the first day after a game load, or the first day of the next season. Grandpa’s evaluation is based on a point system, based on various milestones reached during the gameplay.

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How long does it take to 100% Stardew Valley?

Achieving 100 Percent Perfection After finishing the main storyline, you can go for 100 percent perfection. This is very time-consuming and involves a lot of tasks. On average, it will take between 150-200 hours to achieve 100 percent perfection. Below, you can find a list of every goal you need to complete. Aug 16, 2021

Will there be Stardew Valley 2?

ConcernedApe finally revealed his new game: The successor (or sequel) to Stardew Valley will be called Haunted Chocolatier. Oct 22, 2021

How do you use a Sam’s boombox?

Sam’s Boombox is a decorative piece of furniture. It is obtained by finishing Sam’s 14-Heart event. If interacted with it will play Sam’s song from the event. It can be interacted with again to turn it off. Dec 8, 2019

Who has the best heart events Stardew Valley?

The 7 Best Heart Events in Stardew Valley (& The 7 Worst) 1 Best – Emily’s Fashion Show. 2 Worst – Penny vs Pam. …3 Best – Haley’s Photography. …4 Worst – Kent Yelling. …5 Best – Caroline’s Tea Ceremony. …6 Worst – Sam and Jodi. …7 Best – Alex on the Beach. …8 Worst – Clint and Emily. …More items… • Apr 20, 2021

Is Harvey a good husband Stardew?

First, out of all the bachelors available in Stardew Valley, a relationship with Harvey tends to be more mature and stable, especially since all he wants is a steady companion. Second, though Harvey may appear too laid back for some, he tends to lean on the romantic side, especially once players get to know him. Oct 20, 2021