Does Walmart sell Pokémon cards anymore?
Does Walmart sell Pokémon cards anymore? Walmart confirms it is indeed still selling Pokémon cards – The Verge.
Why are all the Pokémon cards gone from Walmart?
A sign at Walmart says it suspended the selling of cards because of “inappropriate customer behavior.” Target says safety for its employees and customers is the reason it removed trading cards from stores.
Why did they stop selling Pokémon cards at Walmart?
It has been reported that Target and Walmart will not be selling Pokemon cards in their stores anymore due to the rampant scalping occurring across the nation.
What is the best place to buy Pokemon card packs?
The best places to purchase Pokémon cards in person are Sam’s Club, GameStop, Costco, Best Buy, and of course, a Pokémon Center. You can also purchase from all these vendors online, in addition to Target and Walmart.