Evil Dead: The Game – Exclusive Survivor Gameplay (4K)

Evil Dead: The Game – Exclusive Survivor Gameplay (4K)

PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Saber Interactive, Boss Team Games

Saber Interactive


Want to see how everything works in Evil Dead: The Game? As a survivor, you’ll have to loot up and complete objectives before taking the battle to The Dark Ones themselves. To do this, you have to gear up and take advantage of numerous caches of loot scattered across the vast map. 

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You might even want to use a car to help get around the field much fast, but be aware that the Demon can possess cars too, turning them into deadly weapons in a flash. Be on the lookout for signs like traps that the Demon might be close to discovering your presence – even though the map is huge, they can find you early! Check out some exclusive survivor gameplay and commentary in this video focused on gameplay from the survivor perspective!