Fantastic Movement In Superhero Games Came Long Before Spider-Man

Fantastic Movement In Superhero Games Came Long Before Spider-Man

Infamous is celebrating its 15-year anniversary today, May 26, 2024. Below, we look back at how its focus on traversal paved the way for modern AAA superhero games.

Soaring over a canyon in an Iron Man-like suit of metal armor in Anthem. Swinging through the financial district as a giant Sandman crushes cars below him in Spider-Man 2. Few mechanics in gaming feel as good as superhuman traversal. One of the most electrifying examples of superhero movement came 15 years ago when Sucker Punch launched Infamous.

Infamous–which was inspired by Batman Begins, Channel Zero, Shooting Wars, and other comic and comic adaptations–put you in control of the electrically powered superhuman Cole MacGrath. The city he fought to protect–or sometimes abuse if you chose that moral path–was also his source of power.

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