Gamification Design for Training and Talent Development

Gamification Design for Training and Talent Development

How will you use gamification in your employee engagement and talent development programs in 2017?
Designing gamification for learning and talent development programs is FUN and fulfilling. No more dry, boring lectures or eLearning programs! I want to share a sampling of the designs done by just a few of the 100s of professionals who took our Level 1 Gamification Apprentice Certification in 2016.

Gamification Design for Training and Talent Development from Monica Cornetti (LION)
This is the ONLY Gamification Certification that earns you recertification* credits with HRCI, SHRM, and ATD.

This certification program takes you through the proven 5-step process of gamifiying a corporate training or adult learning program. By following the trademarked 5-step plan, you are essentially assured a successful outcome.

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