Guide: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom: Where Does It Fit In The Zelda Timeline?

A Lon Lon time ago…
Never mind Ganon, anyone who has ever been brave enough to look will tell you that the true Dark Beast of the Zelda franchise is its timeline. Up until Skyward Sword, many of us were happy enough to form our own theories about how the games slotted together, or just play blissfully unaware of the intricacies of how one flowed into the next. Then the Hyrule Historia came along in 2011 and shook everything up.
Instead of one cohesive timeline, this official tie-in book suggests that there are in fact three separate strands to keep track of after the events of Ocarina of Time — ‘The Hero is Defeated’ and ‘The Hero is Triumphant (Child and Adult eras)’. And this doesn’t account for any of the games that release after Skyward Sword, so we have only been able to speculate on where the likes of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom slot into the mix. Simply put, it gets really complicated, really fast.
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