Where is the boy hiding Metro? Where is the boy hiding Metro? When you see Miller again he says the boy must be hiding somewhere. Look for him. He's hiding in the barrel. His name is Kirill and he'll briefly join you on your mission....
What is Ditto hiding? What is Ditto hiding? As of August 2022, Ditto can be hiding as any of the following Pokémon: Ekans* Gastly* Spinarak* Natu*...
What was Mia hiding from Ethan re8? What was Mia hiding from Ethan re8? Mia denied that Ethan is gone, proceeding to tell him the secret that she had been keeping for years, that Ethan was in fact killed by Jack Baker after his fight with Mia up at the attic and that the only thing that...
How do you know if a boy likes you but is hiding it in school? How do you know if a boy likes you but is hiding it in school? How to Know if a Guy Likes You in School 1 Does he make a lot of eye contact? 2 Does he give you special attention? 3 Does he try to sit next to you?...