How can I be effortlessly hot?

How can I be effortlessly hot?
How To Look Seductive Without Trying: 6 Tips To Being Effortlessly Sexy

Wear a Touch of Red. Don’t underestimate the power of color!
Show Off Your Shoulders or Back.
Watch Your Proportions.
Wear a Sexy Perfume.
Wear Clothes That Skim Rather Than Cling.
Show Off Your Best Features.

How To Look Seductive Without Trying: 6 Tips To Being Effortlessly Sexy
  1. Wear a Touch of Red. Don’t underestimate the power of color!
  2. Show Off Your Shoulders or Back.
  3. Watch Your Proportions.
  4. Wear a Sexy Perfume.
  5. Wear Clothes That Skim Rather Than Cling.
  6. Show Off Your Best Features.
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