How can I clean my PS4 controller without rubbing alcohol?

How can I clean my PS4 controller without rubbing alcohol? First, clean the controller with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. Use a bit of water to start, and avoid any and all abrasive cleaners. Wipe the controller all over and remove any obvious grease or grime. Work the damp cloth into any nooks and crannies that aren’t normally accessible.

First, clean the controller with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. Use a bit of water to start, and avoid any and all abrasive cleaners. Wipe the controller all over and remove any obvious grease or grime. Work the damp cloth into any nooks and crannies that aren’t normally accessible.

What is the gunk on my controller?

It seems like it is caused by sweaty palms combining with the dust and dirt in the air (unless you have a HEPA air filter, you have dirt in your house) which forms some nasty looking gunk. It is usually located in a line around where we grip the controllers as well as on the triggers and shoulder buttons.

Why do they call it rubbing alcohol?

The term “rubbing alcohol” came into prominence in North America in the mid-1920s. The original rubbing alcohol was literally used as a liniment for massage; hence the name.

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How can I clean my PS4 controller without rubbing alcohol? – Related Questions

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