How can I remove dark circles permanently?

How can I remove dark circles permanently?
How to remove dark eye circles

Getting adequate sleep. Some people notice dark eye circles when they experience periods of low-quality sleep.
Elevating the head during sleep.
Applying cold compresses.
Minimizing sun exposure.
Cucumber slices and tea bags.
Vitamin C.
Retinoid creams.
Hydroquinone, kojic acid, and arbutin creams.

How to remove dark eye circles
  1. Getting adequate sleep. Some people notice dark eye circles when they experience periods of low-quality sleep.
  2. Elevating the head during sleep.
  3. Applying cold compresses.
  4. Minimizing sun exposure.
  5. Cucumber slices and tea bags.
  6. Vitamin C.
  7. Retinoid creams.
  8. Hydroquinone, kojic acid, and arbutin creams.