How did Venom Snake lose his eye?

How did Venom Snake lose his eye? During Colonel Volgin’s torture of him, Big Boss, then known as Naked Snake, received a muzzle burn that blinded him in his right eye, which also ruptured and destroyed the cornea and the lens of his eye, while intercepting a bullet that was meant for Tatyana/EVA, after her cover was blown.

During Colonel Volgin’s torture of him, Big Boss, then known as Naked Snake, received a muzzle burn that blinded him in his right eye, which also ruptured and destroyed the cornea and the lens of his eye, while intercepting a bullet that was meant for Tatyana/EVA, after her cover was blown.

Who kills Big Boss?

In that game, Big Boss was enemy number one and Snake set out to defeat him, Eventually, he succeeded in doing so, burning Big Boss to death with a makeshift flamethrower.

What is Venom Snake’s real name?

Venom Snake
Motion capture Kiefer Sutherland (facial) Erik Brown (body) Rudy McCollum (body [Ground Zeroes and Prologue: Awakening])
In-universe information
Full name Assigned by the player
Aliases Punished Snake Ahab V Big Boss’ phantom

What is Big Boss’s real name?


How did Venom Snake lose his eye? – Related Questions

Is Venom Snake a demon?

The cinematic after completing Episode 43: Shining Lights, Even in Death shows Venom Snake in demon form, even if the player has not actually acquired enough Demon Points to attain the form themselves.

How did Big Boss lose his arm?

Big Boss was rumored to have lost both his hands, feet, right ear and right eye during the Outer Heaven Uprising, after which he underwent cybernetic augmentation by robotics engineer Dr. Drago Pettrovich Manar.