How did Wanda get pregnant?
How did Wanda get pregnant? Wanda unknowingly uses Mephisto’s disassembled soul to magically become pregnant (what with Vision being an android and all) and when Mephisto’s soul is reassembled, she loses her twins — hence how the “House of M” storyline comes into being.
What Avengers have kids?
The children are James Rogers, the son of Black Widow and Captain America; Henry Pym Jr., the son of Giant-Man and Wasp; Azari, the son of Black Panther and Storm; and Torunn, the daughter of the absent Thor and Sif. Stark secretly raises and trains the children for over twelve years.
Can Vision have babies?
In Marvel Comics, Wanda and Vision do indeed have children. As Vision is a robot, Wanda conceives their twin boys through magical means, naming their twin boys Thomas and William. However, their upbringing was anything but normal. Thomas and William were born from the fragments of the demon lord Mephisto’s soul.
Did Wanda and Steve kiss?
Wanda reassured him yet again and showed that she reciprocated his feelings toward her and they both kissed, with Wanda’s apologies and questions of impulsiveness put to rest with Steve removing his mask as a sign of trust and confidence.