How do I ask God for an answer?

How do I ask God for an answer?
Contents show

Seek confirmation through the Bible.
Make sure what you are asking for is God’s will.
Pray for wisdom.
Consult with spiritually mature people.
Prepare your heart to receive His answer.
Search your heart for whatever hinders you from hearing God.
Do not insist on what you want.
Go for prayer and fasting.

Contents show
  1. Seek confirmation through the Bible.
  2. Make sure what you are asking for is God’s will.
  3. Pray for wisdom.
  4. Consult with spiritually mature people.
  5. Prepare your heart to receive His answer.
  6. Search your heart for whatever hinders you from hearing God.
  7. Do not insist on what you want.
  8. Go for prayer and fasting.
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