How do I get more people in my FoE?

How do I get more people in my FoE?

To gain population residential buildings must be built. Some of the Great Buildings and special residential buildings also provide population. Population is needed to build production, military and goods buildings. Each of those building require certain amount of available population.

How do you get forge plus in Forge of Empires?

It was released on the beta server as an A/B test on 12 January 2022 and is now available for everyone on the live servers (since 8 March 2022). The FoE Plus window can be accessed from the chariot near the river between the Castle and Antiques Dealer.

How do I get diamonds in Forge of Empires?

Players can receive diamonds in game through some quests, buildings, Guild Expeditions rewards and conquering certain provinces, however those occurrences are fairly rare. 250 diamond package as a daily price in a single day of the event. Diamonds are shared between all worlds on your same account.

How do you move up your age in Forge of Empires?

To advance your city to new age, you have to research a technology of that age. Currently, there are 20 Ages in the game. The Stone Age is only playable during the tutorial part of the game. Advancing through the ages allows for the placement of other buildings, city expansions and unlocking of various game elements.

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Is Forge of Empires kid friendly?

This game is NOT suitable for children! Jan 5, 2012

What is the goal of Forge of Empires?

The main goal of the game is to expand and develop a city, evolving from the Stone Age to the colonization of Venus. The city has houses that provide coins and population, production buildings that provide supplies, buildings that produce goods, and lastly the decorations and cultural buildings that provide happiness.

What is the aim of Forge of Empires?

The ultimate goal of Forge of Empires is to develop a kingdom that is self-sufficient and able to provide for itself. The early ages of the game are pretty straightforward and effortless. It does, however, become difficult as land space and available resources become scarce. Nov 28, 2017