How do I restart my life with no money?

How do I restart my life with no money?
Save Money and Get Free Stuff!

Examine How You Got Here. Let’s be real for a second: if you’re looking for a completely new start, chances are there’s a problem at the root of this decision.
Consider Low-Cost Living Options.
Start with a Strict Budget.
Reach Out for Assistance.
Apply for Jobs.
Begin Budgeting for the Future.

Save Money and Get Free Stuff!
  1. Examine How You Got Here. Let’s be real for a second: if you’re looking for a completely new start, chances are there’s a problem at the root of this decision.
  2. Consider Low-Cost Living Options.
  3. Start with a Strict Budget.
  4. Reach Out for Assistance.
  5. Apply for Jobs.
  6. Begin Budgeting for the Future.