What should a guy do when a girl is on her period? What should a guy do when a girl is on her period? Ask Her What She Needs Be patient! Don't blame her irritability on her period, but try to understand where she's coming from. Bring her the food she craves. Whether it's ice cream she's after or she's one of...
How many people go missing on cruise ships? How many people go missing on cruise ships? Based on the reports that have been filed, we can estimate that around 200 people go missing from cruise ships each year. This shows that these cases are more frequent than most people realize....
How can I get my dog to poop before bed? How can I get my dog to poop before bed? Exercise also encourages pooping and gets the bowels moving. So go on a walk, or play some games before bed to ensure that he is truly tired! Then if you are not going to use a crate, try at least...
Is it hard to become a YouTube star? Is it hard to become a YouTube star? However, becoming an established YouTuber is no easy feat. Behind every famous vlogger is a long journey of struggle and hard work. There are investments you need to make, processes you need to follow, and more before you even create your first...
How do you cook a steak medium rare without a thermometer? How do you cook a steak medium rare without a thermometer? Medium-rare steak: Take your thumb and gently press it to your middle finger. When you touch the fleshy part under your thumb, you'll notice it firm up a little. That's how a medium-rare steak should feel when you touch...