How do teenage guys deal with breakups?

How do teenage guys deal with breakups?
Here are some tips to help you and your adolescent get through a breakup the smoothest way.

Don’t Minimize.
Offer Them Support and Them Give Space.
Don’t Lecture.
Don’t Diss The Ex.
Don’t Get Involved Yourself.
Don’t Let Your Feelings Dominate.
Don’t Let Your Feelings Dominate.
Share Your Own Stories.

Here are some tips to help you and your adolescent get through a breakup the smoothest way.
  1. Don’t Minimize.
  2. Offer Them Support and Them Give Space.
  3. Don’t Lecture.
  4. Don’t Diss The Ex.
  5. Don’t Get Involved Yourself.
  6. Don’t Let Your Feelings Dominate.
  7. Don’t Let Your Feelings Dominate.
  8. Share Your Own Stories.