How do you burn spider webs in Luigi’s Mansion?
How do you burn spider webs in Luigi’s Mansion? Luigi should work the camera, while Gooigi pulls the lower part of the cardboard box with his plunger, then walks into it with the flaming torch. This will burn the spiderweb, allowing you to grab the megaphone and bring it to the director.
How do you get Morty’s megaphone?
Go to Studio 4 as Gooigi hold the lamp and as Luigi interact with the camera. Burn the web to collect the Megaphone and return to Morty.
What happens if you suck up Morty?
When he is being sucked in, he makes a sad pose and does his picture pose with his hands. Unlike when capturing other boss ghosts, Luigi expresses guilt about his actions (even more so if he is not allowed to finish his film), likely because Morty was friendly and willing to give Luigi the button he was holding.