How do you craft a grindstone in Minecraft?

How do you craft a grindstone in Minecraft?
How to make a grindstone in Minecraft

Smelt 3x Cobblestone into Stone.
Craft any type of wood into 2x Wooden Planks. This can be any type of wood, such as Acacia, Birch, Crimson, Dark Oak, Jungle, Spruce, or Warped.
Craft the 2x Planks into x2 Sticks.
Craft the 3x Stone into a Stone Slab.

How to make a grindstone in Minecraft
  1. Smelt 3x Cobblestone into Stone.
  2. Craft any type of wood into 2x Wooden Planks. This can be any type of wood, such as Acacia, Birch, Crimson, Dark Oak, Jungle, Spruce, or Warped.
  3. Craft the 2x Planks into x2 Sticks.
  4. Craft the 3x Stone into a Stone Slab.
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