How do you date in 2022?

How do you date in 2022?
20 Different Ways to Successfully Find Love in 2022

Put Yourself Out There.
Take a Class.
Perform Volunteer Work.
Be Open to Finding Love in All Different Places.
Network With Dates Who Didn’t Work Out.
Ask People in Your Life to Set You Up.
Leave Selfies and Filters in 2021.
Don’t Just “Spray and Pray” Online Dating Messages.

20 Different Ways to Successfully Find Love in 2022
  1. Put Yourself Out There.
  2. Take a Class.
  3. Perform Volunteer Work.
  4. Be Open to Finding Love in All Different Places.
  5. Network With Dates Who Didn’t Work Out.
  6. Ask People in Your Life to Set You Up.
  7. Leave Selfies and Filters in 2021.
  8. Don’t Just “Spray and Pray” Online Dating Messages.