How do you do 72 on the impossible quiz?

How do you do 72 on the impossible quiz?

You must find a clickable spot among the darkness, which is where the switch is located. It’s on the far left end of the screen, somewhere between the question number and the lives. Once clicked, the light on the top of the screen will be turned on, revealing a picture of a ring-tailed lemur.

How many holes are in 2 polos?

Question 100 of The Impossible Quiz is the last one of the main questions, and a reference to the very first question of the game. It says “”How many holes in two Polos?””, with the question number flashing in different colours. The options are the same as in the first question: “”One””, “”Two””, “”Three”” and “”Four””.

What are some impossible questions?

If God exists and He (or She) revealed themselves, would people accept God as God? …If the Universe was born at the Big Bang, what existed before then? …If you were to replace a boat piece by piece, is it the same boat? …How do we know what color is? …Why do women go through menopause but men do not? More items…

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How many questions does the very first Impossible Quiz have?

People usually don’t seem to take into account the existence of the Demo version, believing the full Quiz is actually the very first one ever released. The Demo had a total of only 30 questions (a number of which have made it into either of the full-length Quizzes), so the correct answer in this case would then be 30.

What are chicken McNuggets made of impossible quiz?

Question 63 from the Impossible Quiz asks “”What are Chicken McNuggets made of?””, with the possible choices being “”100% chicken””, “”Tasteless white filth””, “”Soil””, and “”Win””. The answer is NOT “”100% chicken””, even though Chicken McNuggets are made out of it.

How many questions are on the impossible test?

The answer is not 100. There are 100 questions, plus the Epic 10 after Question 100. The answer is “”No one knows that””, because the game assumes that nobody who has made it to this question has actually made it to the very end of the game, thus nobody really knows that this Quiz actually has 110 questions in total.

How do you get past level 45 on the impossible quiz?

The question uses the Windings font and says: “”Potatoes fly””. The choices are “”Indeed””, “”WRONG””, “”Why not?””, and “”ROFL””. So the top right choice which says “”WRONG”” is the correct answer.

What is number 17 on the impossible quiz?

Question 17 from the Impossible Quiz is a simple math question that contains the following subtraction: “”24 – 7 = ?””. The choices are “”18″”, “”2″”, “”16.931″”, and “”walrus””.

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How many questions does the impossible quiz 2 have?

The game contains a total of 120 questions, some of which even have several variations of themselves, as well as two different Power-ups, which you will definitely want to have at your disposal: the Skip, making a return as an actually usable Power-up (this time, you don’t have to save them for the final question), and …

Is the Impossible Quiz flash?

The Impossible Quiz is a hit Flash game created by Splapp-Me-Do and the first main instalment of the The Impossible Quiz series.

What is this banana impossible quiz?

This question is a tricky one, and the player requires some insane logic to work out the answer: what the player must do is to spell the word “”banana”” using the “”B”” in “”gooseberry””, the “”A”” in “”apple”” and the second “”N”” in “”nectarine””.

How do you beat level 71 on the impossible quiz?

Question 71 of The Impossible Quiz only has “”Oh, Christ…”” written on the upper part. Below are the usual four option boxes, fully coloured but without anything written on them. Essentially, they’re all coloured in red, but they will all flash in green for roughly third a second in a clockwise-rotating fashion.

What is the answer for 44 in the impossible quiz?

What you must do is to drag the pieces around and put them together to make the picture. The piece at the upper right is not movable, as it’s nailed to its spot. Once the puzzle has been built, it will form a message that reads “”Click here”” and an arrow pointing at a dot. Click there to proceed.