Are we in a recession? Are we in a recession? According to the general definition—two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP)—the U.S. entered a recession in the summer of 2022....
What name means lover? What name means lover? Along with Esme and Amara, other top girl names that mean love include Mila, Amy, Amanda, Mabel, and Philippa. Top boy names that mean love include Rhys, Philip, Lev, and Hart. Names that mean love or beloved in languages other than English include Carys, Querida, Rudo,...
Are stocks overvalued right now? Are stocks overvalued right now? Market capitalization versus the long-run equilibriumThe American stock market currently appears to be overvalued by 36%. In other words, it would take a 26% drop to bring the market back to its long-run equilibrium level. At the last all-time high, on November 8, 2021, the...
Is our universe in a bubble? Is our universe in a bubble? Nevertheless, some cosmologists have a response: Our universe is a swelling bubble. Outside it, more bubble universes exist, all immersed in an eternally expanding and energized sea — the multiverse....
Who created bubble theory? Who created bubble theory? The new theory named as the Bubble theory was formulated by the scientists of the University of Chicago. The theory states that the solar system formed billions of years ago near a supernova....
Can you 1v1 in Worms Rumble? Can you 1v1 in Worms Rumble? Rumble is not turn-based, being instead designed around real-time combat, and it's played exclusively online. This means that you can't play against a friend in local multiplayer, nor can you play a single-player match against bots....