Should a 9 year old play Apex Legends? Should a 9 year old play Apex Legends? Although Common Sense Media doesn't recommend Apex Legends for kids under 14, it's possible to play the game safely with the right chat settings and parental guidance. The safest way to play is to be on a squad only with people you...
Who is the strongest immortal weapon? Who is the strongest immortal weapon? The oldest and most feared Immortal Weapon is the Prince of Orphans, and it was he who assembled the warriors together to face a common threat. The forces of Hydra, under the leadership of a man called Mr. Xao, were going to destroy the...
Can Shang-Chi beat Captain America? Can Shang-Chi beat Captain America? Shang-Chi with the Ten Rings can easily defeat Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. Enhanced combat skills and projectiles would be enough to take down Captain America if he Shang-Chi wants to. In fact, those are the two most basic powers in a series of cool...
How do I know if fashion design is for me? How do I know if fashion design is for me? If you constantly watch online websites about fashion, if you are subscribed to the accounts of fashion brands and fashion bloggers on Instagram. If you are a frequent visitor of clothing stores or online stores, even if you are not...