How do you play checkers the board game?

How do you play checkers the board game?

What are the rules to checkers?

Players take turns moving one checker per turn. A piece can move one space sideways, forward, or diagonally towards the opposing home space. It CANNOT move backwards towards it own home space.

How is a checkers board setup?

Place the board so that each player has a light-colored square on the corner of the board on his or her right side. Place the checkers on the board. Have each player place his pieces on the 12 dark squares in the first three rows closest to him or her. Each of these three rows should have a total of 4 checkers.

What are illegal moves in checkers?

1.26 An illegal move is condoned by the opponent moving a piece at their next turn. If any of the pieces are accidentally displaced by the players or through any cause outside their control, the pieces are replaced without penalty and the game is continued.

How do you play checkers the board game? – Related Questions

Can a non king jump a king in checkers?

Checkers (pieces that are not Kings) can only jump forward. They can not jump backward. Checkers can not jump Kings.