How do you pronounce stickman?

How do you pronounce stickman?

noun, plural stick·men [stik-men, -muhn].

What are government activities?

Noun. 1. government activity – the act of governing; exercising authority; “”regulations for the governing of state prisons””; “”he had considerable experience of government”” governing, government, governance, administration. land reform – a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)

What is fire Grass?

noun. 1British dialect Parsley piert, Aphanes arvensis. 2North American Any of various grasses that spring up on burnt land, especially Agrostis hyemalis.

What is easy ingress?

noun. 1mass noun The action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or right of entrance. ‘In fact, most ports are designed for easy ingress and egress.

What does The Game of Life mean?

noun. 1With the. Life likened to a game, especially in being a competitive social venture in which personal qualities, strategy, experience, or luck may influence one’s chance of success. 2Mathematics Computing. Also with capital initials.

What is mass dictionary?

noun. a large coherent body of matter without a definite shape. a collection of the component parts of something. a large amount or number, such as a great body of people. the main part or majoritythe mass of the people voted against the government’s policy.

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What codename means?

noun. a name assigned to conceal the real identity of a person, as a spy, or to conceal the existence or purpose of a plan, military operation, etc. Also called code phrase . a word or phrase assigned a meaning understood only by those who are secretly informed of it.

What’s the meaning of dog sitter?

noun. a person who looks after a dog while its owner is away.

What does it mean when a guy calls a girl peanut?

noun. A small child. Often used as a term of affection. noun. A person who is regarded as insignificant.

What does township mean?

noun. a small town. (in the Scottish Highlands and islands) a small crofting community. (in the US and Canada) a territorial area, esp a subdivision of a county: often organized as a unit of local government. (formerly, in South Africa) a planned urban settlement of Black Africans or Coloured peopleCompare location ( …

What is Fifth Amendment right?

noun. an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, providing chiefly that no person be required to testify against himself or herself in a criminal case and that no person be subjected to a second trial for an offense for which he or she has been duly tried previously.

What is house fashion?

noun. an establishment in which fashionable clothes are designed, made, and sold.

What body part is Batok?

noun. en the part of body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.