How do you shoot a pool like a pro?

How do you shoot a pool like a pro?

Who was the best pool player?

If you ask anyone who is the greatest pool player in the world, Efren Reyes is the most well-known and top-ranked player. He is also considered the best pool player in the world. He has won over 100 professional tournaments and has earned over 80 international titles, earning him the nickname “The Magician.”

What country is the best at pool?


Who is the goat of pool?

Efren Reyes
Nickname The Magician”, “Bata”
Professional 1978
Pool games Nine-ball, eight-ball, one-pocket, rotation, cushion billiards
Tournament wins
World Champion Nine-ball (1999), Eight-ball 2004)

How do you shoot a pool like a pro? – Related Questions

Who is the best one-pocket player in the world?

For several decades from the early 60s to the late 80s, Allen was considered the best One Pocket player in the world. He was inducted into the One Pocket Hall of Fame in 2004 for his contributions to the pocket billiard game of one pocket.

Ronnie Allen (pool player)

Personal information
Event(s) One Pocket Hall of Fame
Updated on 16 April 2013.

Who is the best female pool player of all time?

Vivian Villarreal is, simply put, the best woman to ever play pool.