How do you trigger Harvey’s 14 heart event?

How do you trigger Harvey’s 14 heart event?

Once you’re at 14 Hearts, you can trigger the Harvey Heart Event by entering your home between 8 pm and 1 am. The event is a dinner that Harvey cooks up in the kitchen. You two will sit by the fireplace and eat together while having a nice conversation. Whenever Harvey speaks, you can choose your reply. Nov 30, 2019

How old is the player in Stardew Valley?

Leah, Elliott, Shane, Harvey, Sandy and Emily are approximately 28-35 years old. Clint, Caroline, Robin, Willy, Marnie, Demetrius, Kent, Jodi, Gus, Pierre, and Pam are at least 40 years old. Finally, George, Linus, Lewis, Evelyn and The Wizard are over 55 years old. Sep 16, 2021

What is the dwarf for in Stardew Valley?

the MinesThe Dwarf is a villager who lives in the Mines, where he also runs a shop. There are a few steps needed to meet (and then more still to talk to) the Dwarf, but once you have completed them, you can buy a variety of items from them. Oct 25, 2021

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What is Shane’s favorite thing in Stardew Valley?

Shane loves receiving the following items: beer, hot pepper, pepper poppers, and pizza. He likes most eggs as long as it isn’t a void egg and all other fruits. Everything else is likely to upset him and make him dislike you. Sep 15, 2020

How do you get Alex in Stardew Valley?

Go to the beach on a sunny weather day in Summer to meet Alex. He will try to get you into a game of gridball and then explain his dream to be a sports star. He will ask you your opinion, but no matter your choice, your friendship points won’t increase or decrease (even if you call him arrogant). Jul 27, 2021

Can you fall in love in Stardew Valley?

Unfortunately, you can’t romance everyone in Stardew Valley (sorry magic slime wizard who lives in the sewers, it was never meant to be), so you’ll want to check out the list below. It shows the viable marriage candidates in Stardew Valley. Mar 25, 2021

What do the GREY hearts mean Stardew Valley?

Gray hearts in Stardew Valley means that players are walled off from advancing their friendship with a character further. This is seen with bachelors and bachelorettes that the player isn’t currently romantically involved with. Players can remedy this by giving the characters a bouquet to start a romantic relationship. Oct 16, 2021

What is Pierre’s secret stash?

On the left side of the bookshelf, you’ll find a “secret stash” of some sort. Pierre will then appear and will confront you. Two options will be available for you. Choosing “Your secret is safe with me” will net you a large sum of Friendship points with him. Mar 2, 2022

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How old is Harvey Stardew Reddit?

Harvey: 30-34, Harvey is young-ish, but he’s been the town doctor long enough that people know him as such and he is a staple of the community. Dec 22, 2017

Does Stardew Valley have kids?

In order to have kids you first need to have a wife or a husband. They also need to be happy, meaning they have at least 12 hearts. To build a nursery you need to visit Robin’s Shop and to get the second upgrade (that adds the nursery), you will need 50,000 gold and 150 hardwood.

Can you get sick in Stardew Valley?

Once you get sick you cant get sick again for 2 more seasons. Every hour you spend in the rain increases the chance of you getting sick the next day by a decent percent. Also higher during the winter season (possibly displayed as a percent or bar on screen). When sick it goes through a simple cycle.

What’s better artisan or agriculturist?

If you chose Tiller, as recommended earlier, the far superior choice is Artisan. Given that artisan goods are some of the most profitable items in the game, it’s much better than the crop growth speed increase given by Agriculturist. Feb 10, 2022

Who is the prettiest girl in Stardew Valley?

Stardew Valley’s Best Romances Sebastian. Penny. …Alex. …Emily. …Elliot. …Maru. …Harvey. The first time I played Stardew Valley, I was instantly drawn to Harvey. …Leah. Leah is a genuinely beautiful woman—independent and capable, artistic and kind. …More items… • Mar 23, 2021