How does Mando eat?
How does Mando eat? Every since the series debuted and confirmed that Mandalorians never remove their helmets, I’ve been wondering how they get any sort of nutrition. The answer, it turns out, is neither “through a secret hole somewhere” or “they exist on a liquid diet” but rather…they just eat in private.
Can Mandalorians marry?
Considering Mandalorian culture, that of a “normal” wedding ceremony would probably not occur. They are a warrior-based culture (unless you count the New Mandalorians) so sentiment isn’t their priority.
How do Mandalorians shower?
How do Mandalorians shower? Bounty hunting is a dirty business, and it’s unlikely that basic hygiene is off the table for the Mandalorian, tradition notwithstanding. While this hasn’t been confirmed outright, we can also presume that Mandalorians also shower or bathe in private, sans helmet.
Can Mandalorians remove their helmets in front of their spouse?
That’s because this series has established a rule unknown in any previous Star Wars property: Mandalorians cannot remove their helmets in front of any other person. If they do, they are no longer considered a Mandalorian.