How long is jail time for possession of drugs?
How long is jail time for possession of drugs?
The maximum sentences for possession of each class of drug are: up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug. up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class B drug. up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class C drug.
What happens when crypto reaches max supply?
The maximum supply of a cryptocurrency refers to the maximum number of coins or tokens that will be ever created. This means that once the maximum supply is reached, there won’t be any new coins mined, minted or produced in any other way.
What is the oldest sport involving a ball?
The Mayan ballgame of Pitz is believed to be the first ball sport, as it was first played around 2500 BCE. There are artifacts and structures that suggest that the Chinese engaged in sporting activities as early as 2000 BCE.
Is the Khan Maykr God?
The Maykrs are an advanced extra-dimensional race that hail from the realm of Urdak. They are a hive-mind race, lead by the Khan Maykr. The Maykr species is believed to be ancient, and they generally consider themselves to be gods and far beyond the lives of other species, whom they refer to only as ‘mortals.
What is MCCC sims4?
The MC Control module allows control of NPC Sims, letting you give them limited commands as if they were an active Sim. These commands take the form of interactions performed between two Sims. Not all interactions are available, though. Those commands that you may have added from other custom mods won’t appear. Feb 23, 2020
Are McDonald’s Pokémon cards real?
The McDonald’s Pokemon cards are new, which means the market price isn’t really set for them. … There are 50 cards in total, 25 normal and 25 holographic cards based on McDonald’s. Though they are all different in that they are associated with McDonald’s, they are technically reprints of other cards.
Are McDonald’s Pokemon cards real?
The McDonald’s Pokemon cards are new, which means the market price isn’t really set for them. … There are 50 cards in total, 25 normal and 25 holographic cards based on McDonald’s. Though they are all different in that they are associated with McDonald’s, they are technically reprints of other cards.
Are Pokemon cards from McDonald’s real?
The McDonald’s Pokemon cards are new, which means the market price isn’t really set for them. … There are 50 cards in total, 25 normal and 25 holographic cards based on McDonald’s. Though they are all different in that they are associated with McDonald’s, they are technically reprints of other cards.
Are the McDonald’s Pokémon cards fake?
The McDonald’s Pokemon cards are new, which means the market price isn’t really set for them. … There are 50 cards in total, 25 normal and 25 holographic cards based on McDonald’s. Though they are all different in that they are associated with McDonald’s, they are technically reprints of other cards.
Are the Pokemon cards from McDonald’s real?
The McDonald’s Pokemon cards are new, which means the market price isn’t really set for them. … There are 50 cards in total, 25 normal and 25 holographic cards based on McDonald’s. Though they are all different in that they are associated with McDonald’s, they are technically reprints of other cards.
What is the true meaning of life?
The meaning of life is “”freedom from suffering”” through apatheia (Gr: απαθεια), that is, being objective and having “”clear judgement””, not indifference.
What is the full form of laptop?
The meaning or full form of LAPTOP is “”Lightweight Analytical Platform Total Optimized Power””.
What Modpack did Ssundee and Lancey use?
The Meat Castle Pack Ssundee and Lancey used, plus some other mods that I thought would work good. The pack offers many fun mods that let the player explore many places throughout the world and come across many structures to raid, take over, and if you really want to, you can hijack them. Aug 5, 2018