How many adults are in the world?

How many adults are in the world?
In 2020, more than 147 million people around the world were between the ages of 80-99, accounting for 1.9% of the global population.The Global Age Composition.

Age Group
Number of People (2020)
% of Global Population

<20 years
2.6 billion

20-39 years
2.3 billion

40-59 years
1.8 billion

In 2020, more than 147 million people around the world were between the ages of 80-99, accounting for 1.9% of the global population.

The Global Age Composition.

Age Group Number of People (2020) % of Global Population
<20 years 2.6 billion 33.2%
20-39 years 2.3 billion 29.9%
40-59 years 1.8 billion 23.1%