How many games of Sonic the Hedgehog are there?
How many games of Sonic the Hedgehog are there? The grand total is 31 main Sonic titles. On top of that, there’re dozens of spin-offs and games in other genres. The franchise accounts for racing, educational, arcade, mobile titles, and different genres.
What is Sonic’s true name?
In the Archie comics, Sonic’s real name is revealed to be Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog. He tries desperately to protect that information, possibly out of embarrassment. This name is not canon (official) in the game continuity, however, and he is simply known as Sonic the Hedgehog in the games.
Where can I play old Sonic games?
All the games, however, are available on Steam. Sega says you’ll be able to buy the Sega Ages versions of Sonic 1 and 2 on the Nintendo Switch or play 2 with Nintendo Switch Online Plus.
Is Sonic in any Nintendo games?
Relive the classic collected adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD in the newly remastered Sonic Origins!