How many Star Wars Lego sets are there?

How many Star Wars Lego sets are there?

More than 400 sets, from the smallest keychains to Ultimate Collectors Series sets with thousands of bricks. Here are some of our favorite LEGO Star Wars memories and models, from 1999 to 2019.

How many F bombs are in Mortal Kombat?

More than 50 f-words and a dozen s-words join a half-dozen uses each of the words “a–,” “d–n” and h—.” There are several crude references to male and female genitals. Apr 23, 2021

Can you play single player wow?

More than 50% of people rarely participate in group competitions. More than half (52%) said that you mainly play World of Warcraft alone. Most of your time in the game is solo, and the rest of the time is used as a small chat for some conversations. May 25, 2021

Are there still naval mines in the ocean?

More than 550,000 sea mines were laid during World War Two. 25,000 sea mines were laid on the shipping lanes around Honshu (the main island) as part of Operation Starvation. More than 1,000 still remain.

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How long did LEGO Dimensions last?

More than 60 packs launched for Dimensions across the game’s two years of life, spread across 10 waves. Oct 25, 2017

Why do most anime have 12 episodes?

More than 70% anime have only 12–13 episodes. It’s because short anime are easy to watch. Unlike the mainstream they are on the point themed. They don’t take much time to explain the plotline and they can be finished in a day provided you got time.

How many hot wheels are there?

More than 800 models and 11,000 variations of Hot Wheels have been manufactured, and these days—according to Mattel—eight cars are sold every second. Aug 20, 2021

Are all apps free?

More than 90 percent of the 7.2 million apps in the Apple and Google stores are free to download. Sep 1, 2021

Is FarmVille coming back?

More than a decade after it first took over your Facebook wall, Farmville is coming back. Zynga has announced its third major entry in the social agriculture series launches for iOS, Android and Mac on 4th November. Oct 6, 2021

Will sharks go extinct?

More Than a Third of Shark Species Are Now Threatened With Extinction. More than one-third of the world’s shark and ray species are now facing the threat of extinction, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared in the latest update to its Red List of Threatened Species. Sep 8, 2021

Which Final Fantasy is a must play?

More than any other title, Final Fantasy IV remains the quintessential Final Fantasy experience: A full cast of developed, class-oriented, characters, the first entry to use the ATB system, and the first truly great soundtrack of the series, Like X, IV has been the recipient of story extensions (Final Fantasy IV: … Oct 1, 2021

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Is SPECTRE a sequel?

More than anything else, it’s an ending to Spectre. With different directors and scriptwriters involved in Spectre and No Time To Die, not to mention the six years between their releases and the fact Craig was expected to leave after Spectre, it does not seem as though Spectre was written to have a direct sequel. Oct 4, 2021

Is Fallout 1 still good?

More than anything, the original Fallout is a great game for its time. As the first entry in the franchise, it’s shocking how much has changed between each installment. The game’s story, tone, camera perspective, and even some of the game’s lore have been changed heavily. Oct 23, 2020