How much are Bears tickets usually?
How much are Bears tickets usually?
In 2021, the average ticket price was at 122.90 U.S. dollars.Average ticket price for Chicago Bears home games from 2006 to 2021 (in U.S. dollars)
Average ticket price in U.S. dollars
Average ticket price for Chicago Bears home games from 2006 to 2021 (in U.S. dollars)
Characteristic | Average ticket price in U.S. dollars |
2020 | 122.9 |
2019 | 124.51 |
2018 | 111.19 |
2016 | 131.9 |
What is the cheapest ticket in the NFL?
The Lions have the NFL’s cheapest ticket, as their games cost, on average, about $224. The Jaguars ($258), Jets ($265), Cardinals ($276) and Browns ($282) are the league’s other four teams that have an average ticket cost of under $300.
How much is Chicago Bears?
How Much Are Chicago Bears Tickets. The average price for Bears tickets is $538 and is an increase of 9% from 2019.
How early should I get to the Bears game?
There is no single game/cash parking on the Museum Campus Lots – all lots are for full-season coupon holders only! To avoid delays due to heavy vehicle, rideshare and pedestrian traffic, coupon holders are strongly encouraged to arrive on campus before 10:45am for the noon kickoff.