How much does Game Exchange pay for DVDs?
How much does Game Exchange pay for DVDs? You can either sell us your items for cash or use the money in store for additional trade value. How much do you pay for CDs, DVDs, and GAMES? Generally we pay $0.50 to $5.00 for most CDs, DVDs and GAMES – It could be even more for BOXED SETS, SPECIAL EDITIONS, ETC… Do all stores pay the same amount?
You can either sell us your items for cash or use the money in store for additional trade value. How much do you pay for CDs, DVDs, and GAMES? Generally we pay $0.50 to $5.00 for most CDs, DVDs and GAMES – It could be even more for BOXED SETS, SPECIAL EDITIONS, ETC… Do all stores pay the same amount?