How old do you have to be to have BitLife?

How old do you have to be to have BitLife?

? BitLife is rated 17+. Even though the game is text-based and is largely PG, it does include some mature concepts. This is necessary to make a comprehensive life simulation game. If you are under the age of 17, please do not play BitLife. Nov 24, 2021

What does Baka mean in Gacha Life?

Baka is a Japanese word that means “crazy,” “foolish,” or downright “stupid.” It can also be used as a noun for “a fool” or “a crazy or stupid person.” Anime and manga fans in the West have adopted the use of baka as a (usually joking) insult. Oct 5, 2018

Is Gacha appropriate for 11 year olds?

Is it safe for children? The Gacha app has been given an age-rating of 9+ on the App Store and Google Play Store. Parent’s may need to be aware of the chat feature and the access to in-app purchases, so you need to ensure you have disabled in-app purchases on loot boxes. Nov 5, 2020

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How do I make my son my enemy BitLife?

All you have to do is click on them in the relationships tab, and choose the insult option. When you do this, your character will make a negative remark about the person you’re doing that to, specifically your children. Jul 17, 2021

How do you beat Lex Luthor challenge BitLife?

To complete the Lex Luthor Challenge in BitLife, players will need to achieve the following main objectives: Have an enemy named Clark Kent. Become a CEO. Have 100% Smarts. Escape from Prison. Build a net worth of $10 Million dollars. Jan 29, 2022

How do I get my enemy named Clark Kent on BitLife?

Click on his name at the top of the screen and tap “Change our status”. In the drop-down menu that appears, you can choose to either make him your best friend or enemy. Choose enemy from the list to successfully make Clark Kent your enemy in BitLife. Jan 29, 2022

What enemies have named Clark Kent?

A good way to make sure you have someone named Clark Kent in your game is to marry someone and have a kid together. When the kid is born, you can name them Clark Kent. After that, wait until they’re older and become enemies by being mean, insulting each other, and being cruel to one another. Jan 29, 2022

What job pays the most Bitlife?

Highest Paying Careers. The highest paying job in BitLife is going to be a Lead Actor or Singer. These careers both get you the fame bar, which can also be used to get a lot of money. The careers themselves have a high salary, but you can also use the Fame tab to write a book, film a commercial, and pose in a magazine. Oct 14, 2020

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How do you beat the minefields in Bitlife?

Your best bet is to take it slow, fill up the grid as much as possible, and slowly narrow down the mine locations by filling out multiple sides of the grid. If you hold down on a space, you’ll place a flag down, which is a signal that a mine is there. Jul 3, 2021

How do you get deployed Bitlife?

To receive deployment in Bitlife, you first need to join the army. You will first need to complete your secondary schooling and earn your university degree to be eligible to join the army. Create a character that excels in the fields of smartness and strength for a better chance at success. Jul 5, 2021

How do I become CEO in Bitlife?

Can I become a CEO in BitLife if I don’t have a degree? No, it’s very difficult to become CEO without an education. In order to do so, you will need at least 15 years of experience in your corporate job and a high smartness percentage (70% or higher). Dec 28, 2021

What rank is an E9?

Military Grade & Rank Grade Air Force Army E7 Master Sergeant Sergeant 1st Class E8 Senior Master Sergeant 1st Sergeant / Master Sergeant E9 Chief Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major / Sergeant Major E9Special Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Sergeant Major of the Army 24

What is karma in Bitlife?

Karma is an element to BitLife. Doing good actions will increase karma and doing bad actions will lower karma. Karma helps a player live longer and get through tough situations easier. After a character dies, it will say the level of karma they had along with their overall happiness.