How to be a better support/ partner

This is question for gamers or gf with gamer bf

I'm personally not a gamer so I have bit of a hard time understanding how to support my boyfriend who is. I'd like to be a better girlfriend to him and I have asked him how can I support better, and he didn't have an answer. He says he doesn't feel my support but he's not sure how I can be a better support. Just for more info, ha mainly plays at night. Me and him hang out throughout the day. I don't sleep over so he usually games during that time. I'm pretty sure most gamers do. I do nag him about his sleep schedule because sometimes he's asleep the whole day and we don't do much together. I kind of just exist lol, and I think that's where our problem is. He always thinks about me when he's playing. He gets off when I'm over at his house, not because he wants to be off, but because I'll be upset if he's not. Which isn't always true… Sometimes I give him attitude when he's playing for too long or sleeping for too long… I guess I'd just like to find a ground where he feels supported by me when it comes to his gaming hobbies. He also likes comics and I like reading, so I guess he feels my support there but I really don't like playing games like valorant… I would like to finish this post with the fact that I love my boyfriend a lot and I want him to feel supported by me in every aspect of life. When it comes to gaming, I do support him, I praise him when he is doing good and try to comfort him when he isn't… I'm just unsure of what more to do to make him feel more supported. If anyone put there feels this too, I would like to know what would make you feel supported if you were in his shoes?

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submitted by /u/Sloth1234321