If Kingdom Hearts ever gets a remake, it needs the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth treatment

If Kingdom Hearts ever gets a remake, it needs the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth treatment

When you look at everything that came after it, the original Kingdom Hearts sits in a bit of a weird place compared to the rest of the series. It’s the first game in a long-running series that didn’t entirely know what was coming next, and from its sequel Chain of Memories onwards the vibes were completely different. I still love it a lot, it’s as equally charming as it is frustrating, and because it’s so different from the rest of them it feels special.

Square Enix is obviously all aboard the remake train these days, with Final Fantasy 7 being the prime example of said approach, and while I find it unlikely to happen anytime soon, a Kingdom Hearts remake would likely print a healthy amount of money even if it did end up being mostly nostalgia bait. But if it did ever decide to remake the classic RPG, I think it should give it the full Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth treatment,

When Square first announced Final Fantasy 7 Remake, obviously no one but the devs themselves knew that it was technically more of a sequel, or at least reimagining, than it was your standard remake. There’s some great meta stuff to be found there, as the games are (whether you think successfully or not) grappling with the original’s legacy, dealing with ideas over what a remake of Final Fantasy 7, a game that contains the Darth Vader of spoilers, can look like, and the weight of knowing what is surely meant to be inevitable?

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