iiRcade Adding Third-Party Controller And Accessory Support, No Wires Required

iiRcade Adding Third-Party Controller And Accessory Support, No Wires Required

Home arcade platform iiRcade is getting more customizable with a new accessory initiative, adding support for an array of third-party controllers and devices as an alternative to the traditional control sticks. It should give players better options for certain games that aren’t a natural fit for standard arcade controls.

The initiative, which iiRcade calls the Open Arcade Accessory Platform, will begin with support for “off the shelf” spinners and trackball controllers, meaning there isn’t any modification you’ll have to do to get them working on iiRcade. The standard iiRcade systems available now will support these controllers via Bluetooth. Because the upcoming Gold Edition models also include USB ports on the underside of the control panel, these will support USB connections in addition to Bluetooth.

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