Is 80 words per minute good?

Is 80 words per minute good?

An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 43 to 80 wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs), and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120 wpm.

Which app is best for typing?

If you are currently looking for the best typing apps or might need it in the future, here is our top list. SwiftKey. We have all had moments where predictive text just does not work out. …Flesky. This app offers much more than many other keyboard apps. …Typing Invaders. …Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. …Typing Master Pro.

What is the fastest wpm someone can type?

216 words per minuteThe highest typing speed ever recorded was 216 words per minute (wpm), set by Stella Pajunas in 1946, using an IBM electric typewriter. Currently, the fastest English language typist is Barbara Blackburn, who reached a peak typing speed of 212 wpm during a test in 2005, using a Dvorak simplified keyboard.

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Is typing master free?

#1) Typing Master It is one of the best typing software for PC which allows you to test your wpm (word per minute) speed and accuracy. Feature: This free typing software helps you to analyze and trains your skills. Mar 3, 2022

Is it OK to type with two fingers?

There are plenty of people who can type quickly using just two fingers. Like with any skill, typing with just two fingers takes practice, and with more practice, speed and accuracy will improve. Sep 30, 2021

How many fingers are used in typing?

Although the phrase refers to typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys—specifically, a touch typist will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory—the term is often used to refer to a specific form of touch typing that involves placing the eight fingers in a horizontal row along the …

Which fingers hit which keys when typing?

Start with the home row The fingers of each hand should sit on four keys each. The left hand pinky finger starts things off on the “A” key, the ring finger sits on the “S” key, the middle finger takes the “D” and the index the “F.”

Is typing 53 wpm good?

“Good” Typing Speed and How to Get Faster Typing at a speed of 57 WPM or higher is very good. The key element that helps faster typists is touch typing. Touch typing is a method where you use muscle memory, not your eyes, to find the keys. Apr 5, 2019

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What is the average wpm for a 12 year old?

Final Target Age range Beginner Expert 6 to 11 years old 15 wpm (75 cpm) 80% accuracy 35 wpm (175 cpm) 90% accuracy 12 to 16 years old 30 wpm (150 cpm) 85% accuracy 50 wpm (250 cpm) 95% accuracy 17 years old and over 45 wpm (225 cpm) 90% accuracy 65 wpm (325 cpm) 100% accuracy

Is typing 150 wpm good?

There are people who can type a whole lot faster than 40 words per minute. If you’re a professional typist, you can probably type 75 words per minute, and maybe even more. What’s the world record? Believe it or not, it’s 150 words per minute, and that was measured over a sustained period. Apr 29, 2016

Who is the fastest kid typer?

Abhishek JainAt 13, Abhishek Jain is the fastest junior typist in the world. And the youngest. He’s got flying fingers. Sep 3, 2013

How fast should a 9 year old type?

Average Reading Speed by Age and Grade Level Grade Level and Age Words-Per-Minute 3rd Grade (Spring) 8-9 years old 107 – 162 wpm 4th Grade (Spring) 9-10 years old 123 – 180 wpm 5h Grade (Spring) 10-11 years old 139 – 194 wpm 6th-8th Grade (Spring) 11, 12, 13, 14 years old 150 – 204 wpm 5

Is 100 WPM good for an 11 year old?

It’s not really a matter of age; more a matter of practice and technique. When I was your age, I was at about 100-105 WPM; now I’m peaking 120 WPM. Dec 25, 2013