Is Chamber better than Jett?

Is Chamber better than Jett? However, Chamber is much better during defense since he has the time to set up the Rendezvous and his ultimate is better than Jett’s Blade Storm during defense. In short, Chamber only surpasses Jett on defense but the game has both attack and defense which makes Jett better since she is more flexible.

However, Chamber is much better during defense since he has the time to set up the Rendezvous and his ultimate is better than Jett’s Blade Storm during defense. In short, Chamber only surpasses Jett on defense but the game has both attack and defense which makes Jett better since she is more flexible.

Can Jett revive?

Jett revive me, use your ulti Jett. Jett come on Jett, revive me! You can now use your ult Jett ⁠— please revive me!” It’s the iconic clip that has spawned thousands of memes, and is now a part of every Valorant player’s lingo.

Is Jett still viable?

The team understands that no one likes seeing their favorite character take a hit, but they’re positive Jett is still powerful enough to be viable. They explained that the change to her dash provides more opportunity to fine-tune the character in the future if further changes are needed.

Is Sova getting nerfed?

With the latest patch 5.0 update, Valorant players have again experienced some new bugs, and one of them was Sova’s shadow nerf. Sova is one of the most popular Initiator Agents in the game.

Is Chamber better than Jett? – Related Questions

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