Is Clash of Clans shutting down 2022?

Is Clash of Clans shutting down 2022? The short answer is no, Clash of Clans does not appear to be shutting down in 2022. It seems the team have plans to keep the game updated for years to come. They are constantly launching new clans games, updates and so much more. Both its profitability and dedication suggests it won’t shut down soon.

The short answer is no, Clash of Clans does not appear to be shutting down in 2022. It seems the team have plans to keep the game updated for years to come. They are constantly launching new clans games, updates and so much more. Both its profitability and dedication suggests it won’t shut down soon.

Is Clash of Clans declining?

According to data presented by, Clash of Clans and Clash Royale players worldwide spent $647.6 million on in-app purchases in 2020, almost a 50% drop in three years.

Is Clash of Clans shutting down 2022? – Related Questions

Is Clash of Clans good for your brain?

Playing such kind of game may have negative effects to a person. It can greatly affect a person’s health; it can be mental, social, or physical. The significance of this study is to determine the various negative effects of too much playing of clash of clans and to determine the signs of being a clash of clash addict.

Is COC pay to win?

Yes, Clash Of Clans is a pay to win game. Players can buy a gold pass as well as special packs and gems that will allow the player to progress significantly faster than a free to play player.

Why CoC is the best game?

I meanits a good mobile game with an addictive model, but it’s nowhere close to other games like XCOM, Civ, Total War, Sins of a Solar Empire, and a lot of other strategy games. This is for a few reasons: The metagame – CoC has none, it is attack, defend (which has no defender input), and clan wars.

Is Clash of Clans addictive?

However, video games often have many features that are designed to be addictive or at the very least make the users want to keep coming back. When it comes to Clash of Clans it is no exception so here are some of the most addictive qualities of the game. Mobile games are notoriously addictive.

Is playing CoC good?

Is clash of Clans a good game? The best Android game I have ever played during my off-times is Clash of Clans; remarkably one of the most strategic and addictive game that is played by over 100 millions of people around the world. I’m a person particularly concerned about my time spend on games.

Do people still play Clash of Clans in 2022?

Clash of Clans may not be as popular as it was in the mid-2010s, but it is still one of the highest grossing games on iOS and Android. Supercell does not appear to be finished with updates to the game, which may entice new gamers to try it out.

Clash of Clans overview.

Title Title 2
Owner Tencent
Industry Mobile games

Which country has the most CoC players?

6. The country that plays Clash of Clans the most is the United States with 18.92%. Turkey is #2 with 6.17% and is followed by China as #3 with 4.09%. The rest of the Top 5 is rounded up by Germany (3.65%) and Russia (3.57%).

Is Clash of Clans OK for kids?

Clash of Clans is a free–to–play online multiplayer battle game by Supercell. Although it’s designed for Android or iOS, you can also download it to a PC if it has sufficient running power. It is aimed at ages 13+.

Can you mute people in Clash of Clans?

In order to mute a clan member, tap the ‘Mute’ button that appears on their player icon in the Chat screen. You can also mute players in the Member Screen. To do so, enter the Members screen from the Clans hub.

Who is hog rider?

The Hog Rider (person) is a bare-chested dark-skinned man holding a hammer. He has a Mohawk, wears a brown leather loincloth, a red belt, and a pair of leather sandals, as well as two large golden wristbands and a gold earring. His ride is a large hog, about half his height.

Is Hog Rider a girl?

He is a quick building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy.

How much does level 14 Hog Rider do?

Card Level 3 14
Hitpoints 800 2248
Damage 150 421
Damage/sec 93 263

How much damage does a level 14 hog do?

Card stats
Level HP Dmg
12 1864 349
13 2048 384
14 2248 421
15 (Mirr.) 2472 463

What’s better earthquake or poison?

Earthquake is used to destroy buildings, oftentimes seen in hog decks, as well as several other tower-targeting decks. Poison is used to counter small troops, and deal good dmg to medium troops.