Is Google Drive a free app?

Is Google Drive a free app? Google Drive is a free service from Google that allows you to store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud.

Google Drive is a free service from Google that allows you to store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud.

How do I use the Google Drive app?

How to use Google Drive
  1. Step 1: Open the app. On your Android device, find and open the Google Drive app.
  2. Step 2: Upload or create files. You can upload files from your phone or tablet, or create files in Google Drive.
  3. Step 3: Share and organize files.

Can I install Google Drive on my PC?

On your computer, go to Use Drive for desktop with work or school and follow the installation instructions to download and install Drive for desktop.

How do I access my Google Drive?

On your computer, go to You’ll see “My Drive,” which has: Files and folders you upload or sync. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms you create.

Is Google Drive a free app? – Related Questions

Where are my Google Drive files stored?

All content in Google Drive is stored in one of these three defined spaces: drive , appDataFolder , and photos . Drive space – The drive space includes all user-visible files created or stored in Google Drive. PDFs, Google Docs, Sheets, and slides, and any other content the user uploads, is located in the drive space.