Is it haram to talk to your fiance?

Is it haram to talk to your fiance? “A mangetar (fiancee) is like a stranger before the nikah (marriage)it is not lawful to talk to her on phone without a valid reason,” the fatwa issued by the seminary’s Darul Ifta (department of Fatwa) recently said. The fatwa also said talking to fiancee would be un-Islamic even when the parents allowed it.

“A mangetar (fiancee) is like a stranger before the nikah (marriage)it is not lawful to talk to her on phone without a valid reason,” the fatwa issued by the seminary’s Darul Ifta (department of Fatwa) recently said. The fatwa also said talking to fiancee would be un-Islamic even when the parents allowed it.

Can you propose during Ramadan?

To put it briefly, according to the Islamic jurisprudence, there is no restriction on getting married during Ramadan. The basic code is that any action is allowed unless there are declarations in the Sunnah and the Quran to propose otherwise or there’s a consensus among the spiritual leaders against it.

What are the questions to ask a girl in arranged marriage in Islam?

Questions about Deen.
  • How often do you recite Qur’an?
  • Do you pray regularly and observe fasting?
  • Do you prefer going to Islamic classes or listen to Islamic lectures?
  • What are your plans regarding Hajj and Umrah for the future?
  • How much you try to follow the Sunnah of Prophet as stated in Qur’an in your lifestyle?

How do I treat my fiance in Islam?

10 Useful Tips on How to Treat Your Wife in Islam
  1. The very first piece of advice would be to be like a friend to your wife.
  2. Give her advice and correct her mistakes in private.
  3. Give her quality time.
  4. Always eat food together.
  5. Watch what you speak.
  6. Share every happy moment with her.
  7. Surprise her with gifts.

How can I romance my husband physically?

How To Impress Husband
  1. 1) Update your Intellect Level.
  2. 2) Focus on your Looks.
  3. 3) Be strong and independent.
  4. 4) Cook his favourite food.
  5. 5) Exercise and Burn those Extra kilos.
  6. 6) Be Expressive.
  7. 7) Express your interest in his hobbies.
  8. 8) Plan frequent Date nights.

How can I satisfy my wife in bed Islam?