Is Octopath Traveler kid friendly?

Is Octopath Traveler kid friendly?

But despite its childish appearance to an innocent parent, be aware; Octopath Traveller is most definitely NOT aimed at 7-10yr olds. The game is rated for teens, and rightly so; there is more sexual innuendo in the game than you’d let a pre-teen watch.

What is max level in Octopath Traveler?

The max level cap you can reach with any single character is level 99. Once you reach this max level cap in Octopath Traveler, you should find most of the enemies in the game a bit of a walk in the park.

Are there relationships in Octopath Traveler?

Octopath Traveler promised a tale of eight heroes travelling together, set up like one of the most ambitious RPGs in history (Final Fantasy VI). Instead, you get a series of vignettes that are entirely narratively separated save for a few forced, optional interactions between no more than two cast members at a time. Jul 12, 2018

How many chapters are in Octopath Traveller?

32 chaptersAssuming that you’re planning on playing with all eight characters, you’ll have access to four chapters for each of them. This means that there are a total of 32 chapters in Octopath Traveler. Each chapter tasks you with visiting a city, watching some story cutscenes, then entering a dungeon to defeat a boss. Jul 12, 2018

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How long does it take to finish Octopath Traveler?

The completionists who need to find everything and max out all of their characters will find that Octopath Traveler will take upward of 60-70 hours to complete. That number can be extended depending on just how long you spend on every little side quest, but it should be around 60 hours to get everything done. Jul 12, 2018

What is Octopath Traveler based on?

Like Bravely Default before it, Octopath Traveler exists as homage to Japanese role-playing games of the Super Nintendo era. Jul 30, 2018

Is Octopath Traveler 8 different stories?

Octopath Traveler is an enthralling collection of fantasy stories, but the game’s immersion is quickly stalled by a significant narrative issue. Mar 26, 2021

Is Octopath Traveler Gacha?

Gameplay is the same as in the original Octopath Traveler, and new characters can be acquired through standard gacha-style mechanics. And like the original game, it takes on the HD-2D style that Square Enix is using more frequently across its games, like the upcoming Triangle Strategy, and the Dragon Quest 3 remake. Feb 8, 2022

How old is Primrose Octopath Traveler?

23-year-oldPrimrose Azelhart is one of the eight characters whom you can choose to play when starting Octopath Traveler. A 23-year-old dancer with a dark past, Primrose lives and works in the town of Sunshade. Jul 14, 2018

Can you play as all 8 characters in Octopath Traveler?

You can have at most four characters in your party including your starting character. As noted above, your first character is locked in, but the others can be swapped out whenever you visit a tavern. You may be tempted to put off picking up more characters once you have a full party of four. Jul 21, 2018

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How many endings does Octopath Traveler have?

Each character has an ending in Octopath Traveler — there are eight stories, with eight conclusions. But, if you manage to finish them all, there’s still something left for you to discover.

Can you change your protagonist in Octopath Traveler?

Unfortunately, there is only one way to get them out. In order to change your Octopath Traveler Main Character, you will have to complete their whole story and all four chapters associated with it. Yes, you are stuck with them until their story is complete. Jul 26, 2018

Does it matter who you pick in Octopath Traveler?

That being said, no matter what character you choose to use at the start of Octopath Traveler, the game eases you into battles with that protagonist. Most early enemies are weak to the strengths of the corresponding character in the nearby city. Nov 9, 2018